Содержание подсказки чата на VistaClub.ru

Вход в чат
Изменение / удаление профайла
Отправка сообщений
Список пользователей
Выход из чата
Как узнать кто в чате без регистрации

Настройка чата

Возможности и команды:
    Форматирование сообщений
    Приглашение в комнату
    Чатинг из одной комнаты в другую
    Приватные сообщения
    Игнорирование сообщений от пользователя
    Информация о пользователе
    Сохранение сообщений

Специальные команды для администратора и модератора:
    Отправка анонса
    Назначить модератором

Вход в чат:

Если Вы уже зарегистрировались в чате, просто войдите в чат под вашим ником и паролем. Можете также выбрать комнату в которую хотите войти, затем нажмите на кнопку ЧАТИТСЯ.

Вы можете зарегистрироваться сначала или просто войти в чат (ввести только ник, пароль оставить пустым), но тогда Ваш ник не будет закреплен за Вами. (другие смогут также его использовать).

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Если вы еще не зарегистрированы и желаете зарегистрироваться, выберите на странице входа в чат РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ. Откроется окно.

  • Во-первых, введите Ваш ник (имя в чате) и пароль в указаных полях. Ник не может содержать пробелы и другие спец символы (например, слэш \ ).
  • Во-вторых, введите Ваше имя и фамилию, и Ваш email. Поле пол - не обязательное поле (для статистики).
  • Если у Вас есть домашняя страничка, вы можете указать URL в нужном поле.
  • Поле язык - указывает какими языками Вы владеете и с вами можно вести беседу на данном языке.
  • И на последок, если вы желаете чтобы другие пользователи видели Ваш email, отметьте соотвествующий пункт.
  • Затем нажмите кнопку Регистрировать и Ваш аккаунт будет создан. Регистрацию можно прервать в любой момент.

Позже вы сможете вносить изменения в свою информацию (и даже удалить) через ссылки.

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Отправка сообщений:

Для отправки сообщения в чат, наберите текст в нижнем поле и нажмите ввод для отправки его. Сообщения пользователей отображаются в главном окне.
Просьба не ругаться в чате и не выражевываться.
Вы можете менять цвет ваших сообщений выбором цвета в цветовой шкале справа от окна ввода сообщений.

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Список пользователей:

    Два основных признака пользователей:
  1. Маленькая иконка справа показывает пол зарегистрированных пользователей.(Если кликнуть по ним, то сможете увидеть инфу.) Незарегистрированные пользователи такой иконки не имеют.
  2. Ники администратора выделены курсивом.

Например, как показано на картинке:
Список пользователей
  • Nicolas - администратор или один из модераторов phpMyChat;

  • alien (чей пол не определен), Jezek2 и Caridad обычные посетители чата phpMyChat;

  • lolo - гость чата (незарегистрирована).

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Выход из чата:

Для выхода из чата просто кликнете на ссылки вправом нижнем углу. Также можете набрать команды:
/quit Эти команды могут также послать сообщение напрощание. Например : /quit Увидимся!

Отправит сообщение "Увидимся!" и покинет чат.

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Knowing who is chatting without being logged in:

You may click on the link that shows the number of connected users at the start page, or, if you are chatting, click on the image Users popup at the top-right of the screen to open a independent window that will display the list of connected users, and the rooms they are in, in near real time.
The title of this window contains the usernames, if they are less than three, the numbers of users and opened rooms else.

Clicking on the Beeps icon at the top of this popup will enable/disable beeping sounds at user entrance.

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Customizing the Chat View:

There are many different ways to customize the look of the Chat. To change settings, simply type the appropriate command into your text box and press the Enter/Return key.

  • The Order command allows you to toggle between having new messages appear at the top of the screen or at the bottom.
    Type "/order" without quotes.

  • The Notify command allows you to toggle on or off the option of seeing the notices when other users enter or exit the chat room. By default this option is on and the notices will be seen.
    Type "/notify" without quotes.

  • The Timestamp command allows you to toggle on or off the option of seeing the time the message was posted before each message and the server time in the status bar. By default this option is on.
    Type "/timestamp" without quotes.

  • The Refresh command allows you to adjust the rate at which the posted message are refreshed on your screen. The default rate is currently 10 seconds. To change the rate type "/refresh n" without quotes where n is the time in seconds of the new refresh rate.

    For example: /refresh 5

    will change the rate to 5 seconds. *Beware, if n is set to less than 3, the refresh is reset not to refresh at all (usefull when you want to read lots of old messages without being disturbed)!*

  • The Show and Last commands allow you to clean the screen and display the last n messages sent on your screen. Type "/show n" or "/last n" without quotes where n is the number of viewable messages.

    For example: /show 50 or /last 50

    will clean the message frame and cause the 50 newest messages to be viewable on your screen. If all of the messages cannot be displayed within the message box, a scroll bar will appear on the right side of the message box.

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Features and Commands


Help command:

Once inside a chat room, you can lauch a help popup by clicking on the ? image that sits just before the message box. You can also type the "/help" or "/?" commands in the message box.

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You may have graphical smilies inside your messages. See bellow the code you have to type into a message to obtain each one of these similes.

:) :D :o :( ;) :p 8) :[ :kill:
:) :D :o :( ;) :p 8) :[ :kill:

For example, sending the text "Hi Jack :)" without quote will display the message Hi Jack :) in the main frame.

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Text Formatting:

Text can be bolded, italicized or underlined by encasing the applicable sections of your text with either the <B> </B>, <I> </I> or <U> </U> HTML tags.

For example, <B>this text</B> will produce this text.

To create a hyperlink for an e-mail address or URL, type the address (without any HTML tags). The hyperlink will be created automatically.

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Invite someone to join your current chat room:

You can use the invite command to invite an user to join the room you are chatting in.

For example: /invite Jack

will send a private message to Jack suggesting him to join you in your current chat room. This message contains the name of the target room and this name appears as a link.

Note that you can put more than one username in the invite command (eg "/invite Jack,Helen,Alf"). They must be splitted by comma (,) without spaces.

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Changing rooms:

The list to the right of the screen provides a list of chat rooms and the users who are currently in that room. To leave the room you are in and move into one of those rooms, simply click once on the name of that room. Empty rooms do not appear on this list. You may move into an empty room by typing the command "/join #roomname" without quotes.

For example: /join #RedRoom

will move you into the RedRoom.

If you're a registered user, you may also create a new room with this same command. But then you have to specify its type: 0 stands for private, 1 for public (default value).

For example: /join 0 #MyRoom

will create a new private room (assuming a public one has not already been created with that name) called MyRoom and move you into it.

Room's name cannot contain comma or backslash (\).

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Modifying his own profile inside the chat:

The Profile command creates a separate pop-up window in which you can edit your user profile and modify it except your nick and password (you have to use the link at the start page to do this).
Type /profile

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Recalling the last message or command you have submitted:

The ! command recalls the last message or command you have submitted.
Type /!

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Responding to a specific user:

Clicking once on the name of another user from the list (to the right of the screen) will cause their "username>" to appear in your text box. This feature allows you to easily direct a public message to a user, perhaps in response to something he or she has posted above.

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Private messages:

To send a private message to another user currently in your chat room, type the command "/msg username messagetext" or "/to username messagetext" without quotes.

For example, where Jack is the username: /msg Jack Hi there, how are you?

The message will appear to Jack and yourself, but no other users will see the message.

Note that clicking on the nick of a message sender in the main frame will automatically add this command to the input field for messages.

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To describe what you're doing you can use the command "/me action" without quotes.

For example: If Jack sends the message "/me is smoking a cigarette" the message frame will shown "* Jack is smoking a cigarette".

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Ignoring other users:

To ignore all of the posts by another user, type the command "/ignore username" without quotes.

For example: /ignore Jack

From that time onward, no messages by the user Jack will display on your screen.

To have a list of the users whose messages are ignored, just type the command "/ignore" without quotes.

To resume display of message by an ignored user, type the command "/ignore - username" without quotes where "-" is a hyphen.

For example: /ignore - Jack

Now all the messages by Jack posted during the current chat session will be displayed on your screen, including those messages posted by Jack before you typed this command. If you don't specify an username after the hyphen, your "ignored list" will be cleaned.

Note that you can put more than one username in the ignore command (eg "/ignore Jack,Helen,Alf" or "/ignore - Jack,Alf"). They must be splitted by comma (,) without spaces.

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Getting information about other Users:

To see public information about another user, type the command "/whois username" without quotes.

For Example: /whois Jack

where 'Jack' is the username. This command will create a separate pop-up window that will display the publically available information about that user.

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Save messages:

To export messages (notification ones excluded) to a local HTML file, type the command "/save n" without quotes.

For Example: /save 5

where '5' is the number of messages to save. If n is not specified, all available messages sent to the current room will be taken into account.

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Commands for the adminstrator and/or moderators only

Send an announcement:

The administrator may send an announcement to all users whatever the the room they are chatting into with the announce command.

For example: /announce The chat system is going down for maintenance tonight at 8pm.

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Kicking an user:

Moderators can kick an user and the administrator can kick an user or a moderator with the kick command. Except for the administrator, the user to be kicked must be in the current room.

For example, if Jack is the name of the user to kick away: /kick Jack

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Делегирование прав модератора пользователю:

Модераторы и администратор может делегировать права модератора другому пользователю командой promote.

Например,, если хотите сделать Kolya модератором: /promote Kolya

Только администратор имеет дополнительные права на предоставление прав модератора незарегистрированному пользователю на специальной странице, специальной команды нет.

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